4 Sleep Myths Debunked

A good night’s sleep is essential to continued good health, both physically and mentally. 

While most people realize that not getting enough sleep is terrible for you and taking steps to ensure they get enough sleep, there are many misconceptions about sleep that most people don’t know about. Many of these myths can be dangerous to your health. Below you’ll find a few of the worst sleep myths, why they’re false, and how they are dangerous to your public health. 


Myth 1: It’s Okay to Sleep Five or Fewer Hours a Night

The myth that it’s okay to sleep five or fewer hours a night is indeed false. While it won’t affect your health right away, sleeping for so little of a time consistently can have long-term effects on your health, both physically and mentally. Full-grown adults are supposed to get between 7 to 10 hours a night to stay healthy, depending on their age. However, the CDC has found that almost one-third of Americans sleep less than seven hours every night. 

If you find that you’re not sleeping but five or fewer hours a night, you should try a sleep remedy such as melatonin gummies to help you get the rest you need in a natural way.


Myth 2: Being Able to Fall Asleep Anywhere is Healthy

Some people can sit down in a hard chair and fall asleep instantly or sleep whenever they decide. Many people feel that if they can do this, it’s healthy. The fact is that being able to fall asleep no matter where you are or at any time isn’t healthy for you. This is usually a sign of sleep deprivation. It can lead to many issues, such as having trouble concentrating, being irritable, causing an accident when you’re driving because you’re drowsy, and increasing the risk of developing diabetes. 

If you feel that you’re always tired yet can sleep anytime, anywhere, it’s time to make an appointment with your primary care provider to find out what is causing your sleep issues. Hopefully, that will put you on the road to a restful night


Myth 3: Snoring is harmless

Everyone snores now and then, after a long hard week or one too many drinks. But it’s not normal if it’s happening all the time. 

While snoring itself can’t harm you, but it is annoying for your spouse, the snoring could be a sign of sleep apnea, which can hurt you. That is a severe sleep disorder that your doctor should check out right away. At the moment, there are over 22 million Americans that suffer from this condition. 

When you have sleep apnea, you wake up constantly due to your snoring and being unable to breathe, so no matter what time you went to bed, you’re not sleeping and will continuously wake up exhausted. If you find that your snoring is waking you up every night and annoying your family, then you need to contact your primary care provider for an appointment to see if you have sleep apnea.


Myth 4: A Drink Before Bed Helps You to Sleep Better

It’s a well-known fact that though drinking will knock you out, the alcohol disrupts your sleep patterns. Often you will wake up feeling groggy and hung over the next morning. Also, if you already have sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or insomnia, drinking can heighten those problems, making them worse. You’re better off taking melatonin or drinking a glass of warm milk before bed and leaving the alcohol alone. 

These are just a few of the myths out there about sleep that need to be dispelled. If you have problems sleeping, it’s best to contact your doctor to see if there is an underlying cause for your issue that needs to be treated.

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